Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing # 19

I explored the 2.0 awards and tried the Mango language lesson--but as I am on Rosetta Stone Vol. 3 in French, it was not helpful. It is basic. And it seemed very slow to use--a long time between question and answer and no way to grade my responses--my vocal ones. I don't spend a lot of time on the computer, so I wouldn't go there for games--right now I don't see much that would help in my film or AP classes.  But I will continue to go back to look at 2.0 now that I know it is there.


Infomaniac said...

You have a pretty blog. Thank you for responding to my drab blog. When you get to #20, the thing you need to remember is that when you find the video you want to put in your blog, look to the right of the video. There is where you find the embedding code. Copy it, then click on the Edit HTML tab in you blog post and copy the code in the composer spot. It will look like a long URL, but when you post, the video will be there. You probably already know this, and think I am an idiot to even suggest you might need these instructions. Obviously, I did not know this and whined all over the blog trying to get help. Good luck and keep blogg'n.

LauraAnn said...

Ann, this has nothing to do with thing 19, but take a look - very cool mind mapping and brainstorming software...