Sunday, June 6, 2010 far

I jumped into so many things the first three days that now I have to recover....I went to yoga on Thursday, a new kind which focuses on proper body alignment, a great workout.
Friday I went to docent training for the new exhibition at the Houston Contemporary Craft Museum on Main Street. The gallery is filled with magical costumes made out of paper...strongly recommend that you see it.
Saturday I went to a ceramics class on making garden was so much fun, liking playing mudpies again.  We will see in two weeks if any of my works turn out after being fired; sometimes they break.
Now I know I want to volunteer the museum as I love spending time reveling in the colors and textures....I also want to help children or teenagers, so will be looking for the right place do engage in that kind of volunteer work....

Thanks to all of you for listening to my stories so sweetly.  I looked at your twitters about Scarlet Letter which we did at the first of the years----you all have definitely improved your writing!

I deleted the banned words list and rules for writing, but I find I still want to correct the rest of the world's writing and speaking!

Maddie's goals for second semester

Maddie Fogel said...

whoops I forgot to say my goals. Plus I left out a comment in the first sentence.

Goals for this semester:

Finish a monster burito at Freebirds

Find an elmo costume and wear it to

Appropriately sing more song quotes in class

Improve my skill on the scrabble game on my phone

Try to make my movie quotes from more than just Zoolander, Mean Girls, and the occasional Anchorman

Enjoy another cake day in class

Have a dance party on the open floor in the classroom

Finish the semester without burning all of my textbooks in anger

Run around as a banana and be chased by a gorilla

Join Latin club and attend a toga party

Dress as a ninja and go unnoticed throughout the schoolday

To be continued...
If you think this doesn't have to do with English class then you have no idea what is in store.

Also, to have the confidence and bravery to be more swift when writing as opposed to my timidness that causes me to waste hours. And maybe to be better at reading comprehension on those psycho timed writings

Monday, May 31, 2010

new email

My email address after June 3rd is
I cannot figure out to get rid of my sbisd email which will no longer be valid.