Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thing 11.5

I still have to finish my Jing, but I have learned so many cool things this summer. I loved the image generators--I found two--Animoto and Bookr which I used successfully. I used the Voki, but did not like that as much; I don't like the cartoon version of me. I liked learning about more apps for my Iphone and thought about how to use Skype in my classroom (the problem is to find another class in our time zone or near it!)

I think I have to run as fast as I can to stay in the same place in this age---the kids are learning about computers so fast and enjoying using so many features of the software. I want to be able to use more technology as well as appreciate what they are producing. Computers must be a part of lifelong learning.

I was surprised by the fun and ease of both Animoto and Bookr--I liked using my own photos as well as those available for us online. These projects were really fun. I really was surprised by how much I enjoyed using my blog for my classes this year--and the kids liked responding on it as well. This has been a joyous experience for me, an extension of what I love to do in my classes--engage with my students and with literature and writing.

I am encouraging every teacher I know to get involved with Library2Play--so I say--just keep it up. Both my experiences last summer and this summer have been enriching. And we must keep learning new things whether we like it or not to keep our brains vital and working!

Oh, and I loved going back to You Tube again where I found the hilarious Black Adder meets Shakespeare which I posted!


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