Friday, June 12, 2009

Thing 3

Okay--I am going to have to move on from Thing 2 for the present--I tried everything--created a voki, created a word cloud--but cannot get either of these two elements to post on my blog--will try to get this done when I get back on July 26th and after--so I looked at Skype this morning--we do have Skype on our iMac--so have been able to video chat with one set of granddaughters--lots of fun--I am trying to get my son to get it in France, so I can see and speak to those granddaughters and they can see and speak to me! Another set of granddaughters in Denver have Skype as well--but as their parents lead very busy lives, it is hard to find a time when all of us can be on the computer to chat.

I am not sure I would use this in my class to teach AP English--but I do have a friend who teaches English in China--he might want to turn on Skype so classes in the US could talk to his classes about a work of literature--that could be cool--he teaches 10th graders--so I may try to find a teacher at Memorial who would like to have her class engage in a discussion of To Kill a Mockingbird for example--I will need to find someone who teaches what I teach in another country or state. In fact, I just met a woman who teaches English in Sarejevo--it would be great to have a chat about Jane Austen with those students! So even as I write, I am beginning to get some ideas about how Skype might work in school!

In the meantime I am downloading Skype to my iPhone!

Later I did get the Voki to post--so that is on my blog now.

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